
What’s All This, Then?

I don’t believe in multiple pages of introductions.

This is: a home page, what my deal is, how to contact me, how to pay me, and other static information I decide to add.

The Treachery Of [Images]

I’m ready to quit posting my thoughts to various social media platforms I don’t own or control. I’m tired of internet brain worms. I’m drained by The Discourse. I’m exasperated that every app gets worse. It’s time for something better.

I want to: consolidate my ~content~, thoughts, book and article reviews, and analysis in ONE static place. One day all of my social media will just be push notifications of content from this site, hopefully. I’ll probably keep commenting enabled unless things get out of control. This is a mixed personal/professional space, so expect some rabble rousing, but also I’m trying to stay employed (until such a time as we abolish capitalism).

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Lotion Quest

get your minds out of the gutter what’s up nerds, i said i was gonna post more here. AND also credit where it’s due, this post is actually ~inspired to my friend who said in my discord chat “oh are you gonna turn this into a blog post?” so thank you caitlin ❤ the backstory…

Tweet Less / Blog More

I’ll be real with you all. I have a few goals I have been working on for literally years, including things like “read 52 books a year”, and “develop a morning routine”. One of my technology related goals has been to use this space more for my ~posts across the web. I’m almost weaned from…

shit is so weird

I am doing my absolute best to keep my life together. We got a dog, she’s literally perfect and certainly smarter than your dog; I don’t care if your seeing eye pup won a motherfucking spelling bee, do not @ me. I’m writing this because it’s an attempt to remember to post here! I have…

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Send me something good, fun, or exciting. No weirdos, unless you’re making me an offer I can’t refuse (retirement).

Free-form email me, if you must. Know this: your prose is bad and I have no obligation to parse your inability to format. LaniDotTech@protonmail.com