a better world is possible home making reviews

Lotion Quest

get your minds out of the gutter

what’s up nerds, i said i was gonna post more here. AND also credit where it’s due, this post is actually ~inspired to my friend who said in my discord chat “oh are you gonna turn this into a blog post?” so thank you caitlin ❤

the backstory

it’s november of 2023. we haven’t yet been told that “this is the most important election of our lives”, but someone somewhere is mad at teen girls for enjoying something. we’re all living our lives, as we are wont to do.

in a turn of tragedy, i realize that every single “gold bond advanced healing lotion” (my Go To, Standby, Ride or Die lotion) now has aloe added. this means obviously that they have changed the formula — thanks for nothing, shareholders! this series of unfortunate events compels me to embark on a quest for a replacement.

of course, where is a lazy bitch to acquire a plethora of smallish testing-sized lotions? to jeff bezos’ warehouse of human misery we head, and purchase every reasonably priced (and literally all different sizes, truly madness) gold bond lotion currently available.

which is the context for this photo:Image

now its now

a few weeks ago a friend asked “what have you learned about the lotions” and i literally had so many thoughts i had to clear a half an hour in my calendar to organize them + type them up. lightly edited for clarity, they are below.

OKAY LOTION NOTES THOUGHT DUMP! Remember, if you will, from November, that the whole goal of ‘buy every gold bond lotion on amazon, which are for some reason literally all different sizes’ was to find as close of replacement for used-to-be-good, now-has-aloe-and-is-shit goldbond advanced healing lotion.

by this criteria, there are two clear winners. “overnight deep moisturizing body lotion” (dark blue) is the most similar to the previous formula, BUT it is immediately disqualified from being in my life because it’s fucking SCENTED (lavender, its nice, i just hate smelly lotion). because of the disqualification, the One True Winner was the psoriasis relief (green). It has the most similar feeling to the old lotion, although it is not as thick. but also it heals my knuckles that always get dry as shit, so that’s a win.

moving from left to right in the photo,

  • we begin with “ezcema relief” (brown) with oatmeal. this lotion is SLIPPERY. it feels very hydrating, but also like you’re gonna drop your phone for the next hour after you use it. I like it, though, and wouldn’t be mad to get it as a stocking stuffer.
  • Next up is “diabetic foot cream” (pink) — this lotion reminds me of a shea butter – it is essentially a solid. you have to WORK it into your skin, like with friction/heat/effort. but damn, i put some socks over my feet for as long as i could stand during sleep, and the next morning my lil feet were smooth as helllll.
  • we discussed psoriasis relief (green) and overnight (dark blue) above.
  • “pure moisture” (light blue) is very inoffensive, but it’s too watery – every time i get some out of the tube i get WAY TOO MUCH. it’s just too thin. it does absorb quickly, tho.

honestly none of these was a bust but the diabetic foot cream being just as much work as my shea butters im too lazy to use (it’s not bad, i just dont want to work that hard).

i dont have a real conclusion here, folks, and i wanna go smoke some weed on this friday evening, so. bye, best of luck on your :rainbow: hydration journey :rainbow:

stay safe, stay warm, wear a mask (covid real bad rn), drink water, if you have my number and you are reading this you are OBLIGATED to text me a funny meme (i mean if u want to, its a joke for the content).


a better world is possible technology Uncategorized

Tweet Less / Blog More

I’ll be real with you all. I have a few goals I have been working on for literally years, including things like “read 52 books a year”, and “develop a morning routine”.

One of my technology related goals has been to use this space more for my ~posts across the web. I’m almost weaned from instagram (and can tell, as I get angry about how different it is every time I use it). I will keep my twitter until the day the web servers fall over / we see our final fail whale / they take me away … but … I don’t really spend time there any more. It’s fuller of spam and bigotry than it ever has been, and I’ve opted to time box it a lot more restrictively.

It’s wild to think a website I used to spend upwards of probably six hours a day on is now in my life for about 45 minutes a day. Nothing gold can stay, and twitter was never more than pyrite.

I still check in to see what my internet friends are up to, try to help my poorer friends get visibility for their financial asks, and see if the excellent curation I’ve put years into fine tuning has bubbled up quality journalism. Also people do post pretty good TikToks there and that’s nice, as I won’t be learning a new app.

So, in the spirit of a new year’s resolution and doing things differently – welcome to this short first post of 2024. Look forward to content this year like: book reviews, home project musing, and (coming soon!) an entire blog post about gold bond lotion. What would you like to read more of? Let me know!

In the interim, make sure you’re wearing a mask, drinking water, sleeping as much as your schedule allows, and finding a way to laugh and build community as we experience the fall of Rome. Love y’all.

(dog photo tax)

my dog asleep on me
a better world is possible unhinged thoughts

shit is so weird

I am doing my absolute best to keep my life together. We got a dog, she’s literally perfect and certainly smarter than your dog; I don’t care if your seeing eye pup won a motherfucking spelling bee, do not @ me.

I’m writing this because it’s an attempt to remember to post here! I have three goals right now

  • finesse a fuckin title change at work / be released from a horrible client
  • finish “Ready for Revolution” by Kwame Ture, Michael and I’s 2022 book (ell oh ell!). Currently on page 600 out of like 800. So. You know. Pray for me.
  • prepare to turn the new denver mayoral proposed budget into graphics so fucking sick everyone will agree we should just make the money printer go brrrrrr until we house everyone

OK I have to go fucking read now!! BYE NERDS

a tweet by @/kendrawcandraw "Me watching some high fantasy shit: I would simply not be corrupted by the magical object. If it is actively harming you why don't you just put it down. 
Me receiving psychic damage 23 hours a day from my phone: Ouuughhhhoouuuuwwwwaaaaaaooaaaaghuuuuuhhhowwgahhhhh guuuuuwah - 27 Feb 22
technology unhinged thoughts

Uncharitable and/or Unhinged Thoughts

i assume this is going to be a part one, because i am a bitch! and also use computer so much my brain has been essentially microwaved.

Also im not going to apologize for not meeting any of my May tech goals to you, randos, because im meaner to myself than you could ever be!

Let’s get into the Content, shall we? Below is a list of uncharitable and/or unhinged thoughts I have had personally, professionally, et cetera. If you’re not a hit dog, don’t holler. XOXO GOSSIP GIRL

  • I’ve had stomach aches that lasted longer than this relationship
  • men being lonely because they’re miserable to be around …. INJECT IT INTO MY VEINS, I LOVE TO SEE THEM SUFFER
  • you’re a bad person AND a failure? damn, pick a struggle!
  • “The Bible is God’s inerrant Word… I like [who cares] translation.” Bitch, learn Amarhic or stop posting!
  • “There’s no way to truly submit to technology” – I feel like this is true except in the case if you make the tech yourself? I could submit to, for example, my inbox processing rules. really makes u think
  • “when you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on” bold of you to assume I have any rope
  • “i will create a fermentation environment that is so anaerobic”
  • “recommended to hand wash only??” get out of my house!
  • what if, instead of spirit week, we automated ourselves out of a job instead?
  • “is the bread for tortas called pan torta? how would i find this out other than embarrassing myself at the taco truck”
  • “login – noun. log in – verb. thank you for coming to my ted talk”
  • “i feel bad i didnt have my calendars up to date, since that’s literally one of my hobbies”
  • “you should work at my brother’s company!” your brother is a misogynist, pass

May Tech Goals

April tech goals were:

writing three blog posts: DONE!

reading that smart contract: did the smart contract post read along count as a blog post? yes. yes it did. it’s called being a genius, nerds. anyway, that’s here if you want it.

getting my mom set up with a password manager: I was informed this will “have to wait until after retirement” so. Moved to the backlog for rescheduling.

still sorting through my cloud-storage photos: I continued to delete a ton of old work photos off my phone but no further progress made

finally replacing my watch battery DONE

and finally MAYBE organizing my bookmarks (this is a truly Herculean task, worse than those fucking stables, I have so many and there are like three different systems lol): did not even attempt lol

May tech goal list is much smaller because there’s a Mercury retrograde and it’s eclipse season, I don’t want to fight the current but rather ride the waves. So what I’d like to do is write two blogs posts, conceived right now as one being the actual smart contract code read-along, and the other a book review. I’d also like to set up a solidity dev environment (maybe that’ll be a blog post too?) and as a stretch goal write some actually executable scripts for local testing. We’ll see what gets done; my main goal is pretty much always survival and keeping the lights on, which gets more difficult in the trickster seasons.

live blog technology

Live Blog: Smart Contract Read-Along

Hello all. I often “live tweet” my readings of articles by pulling quotes I find interesting or thoughtful and occasionally adding commentary. One recent example is here:

The issue with using twitter for these undertakings is that I delete tweets on a schedule and with it this actually useful content. So, I’ve decided to change things up a bit.

I have been attempting to learn more about the web3 ecosystem because I’m a technology nerd and dislike basing my opinions on what others tell me to think. While I’ve read short form articles, a few longer introductory posts and bookmarked many more resources, I always like to base my technological inquiry and understanding in fundamental documents. Inside web3, one such type of document is what’s known as a “smart contract”.

In my current understanding, smart contracts are actually named relatively aptly. They govern the technological underpinnings of transactions that take place on “the blockchain” (different contracts are used for different blockchains). In essence, they state the terms and perform the exchange of value – I will pay $10 for this funny cat picture, the photographer gets $1 and the website that sends me the picture to my email will get $.50.

Of course, I intend to learn more about smart contracts in general by reading one specifically. So I’ve decided this will be my live-blog of my initial read through of the Crypto Coven smart contract.

Crypto Coven – – is, in my opinion, an incredible project for many reasons, primary among them the thoughtfulness and technical expertise of the deployment, to say nothing of the stunningly beautiful artwork and robust community. It’s inspired an idea for a side project which I am not yet technically proficient enough to undertake, hence the reading of the contract. So, let’s get into it!

Article link:

Xuannü begins with stating some of what I’ll call the “tech stack” of this project a)the type of smart contract: ERC-721 and her (their? double check pronouns before publish) scripting tool: Solidity. I have seen Solidity mentioned before in other articles and to my understanding it is both a host of smart contracts (like a website) as well as a way to write them (like a programming language e.g. CSS/html). I will follow up about ERC-721 contracts specifically after reading this to see what other resources might be helpful.

“write code on the blockchain” – this is the most concise explanation of what a smart contract is that I’ve ever seen.

“we could have just used a platform like OpenSea or Zora rather than develop a contract from scratch—but we wanted to write our own” – this helps me contextualize those services, which I’ve seen mentioned before.

“Having our own contract would enable us to design the entire experience around the summoning of a WITCH” – which is why I want to read this explainer before I try to pseudo code my side project.

Link to ethereum development docs – – bookmarked for myself for later

“A smart contract is a program that lives and stores its data on the blockchain, typically with APIs to interact with its contents. Poking around contracts on Etherscan makes that much clearer; you can see the entirety of the code for a verified contract, as well as call read and write functions on them.” emphasis my own – smart contract execute functions inside the blockchain; I wonder what functions exist natively (e.g. what about sort? getting dates/times? etc).

“Most NFTs are just pointers: a blockchain-based database entry that points to content somewhere else on the internet.” – difference between NFTs and crypto currencies – NFTs are unique, crypto is not

“there is absolutely nothing in the smart contract that defines what makes a WITCH—there are just arbitrary IDs (1 through 9,999). Everything about a particular witch exists at the URI at which the smart contract points. That meant that the surrounding infrastructure we needed to write was more fragile and more complex, but the work of writing the contract was relatively straightforward.” — had to google URI, from Wikipedia “unique sequence of characters that identifies a logical or physical resource used by web technologies. URIs may be used to identify anything, including real-world objects, such as people and places, concepts, or information resources such as web pages and books”

“browsing other projects’ contracts on Etherscan helped to see countless examples of different implementations and feature sets.” — necessary research for successfully doing side project

“This space is still early, and [many of people are new] —which means that it’s important to never assume that even a well-known project necessarily has good code.” – I’ve never thought ANY code was good and I certainly don’t intend to start now.

List of desired functions an important cornerstone of any project

can limit sales-per-wallet; a cool feature

“Storing a whole list of addresses just to check whether a given address should be able to mint was a really inefficient use of on-chain storage. Instead, we could use a Merkle tree and only store the root of the tree.” – Merkle trees are thus far over my head but the idea of gas/chain storage being the limitation you are always coding against makes sense

“In a “true” airdrop, the project takes on the cost of gas and directly sends tokens to recipients. In a claim drop, the recipient covers gas.” – good to know!

“we overcomplicated the contract by deploying it with multiple gifting implementations.” – the programmer’s honeypot

[while browsing ERC-721 contracts “where are the royalties?] ; “marketplaces like OpenSea had off-chain implementations, and the one on-chain royalty standard (EIP-2891) that existed was strictly opt-in.”

“In other words, royalties (an oft-touted benefit of NFTs for artists!) only existed at the discretion of third-party implementations that decided to respect them.”

“allowing gasless listings. Oizys was able to piece together what we needed to do to enable the functionality: override the isApprovedForAll() function to allowlist the OpenSea proxy registry address.” — shout out to this tech WITCH for the find & grateful to the team for sharing the trick ❤

“we needed some way to slowly unveil new WITCHES and ensure that minters received a random WITCH (rather than competing to snipe the most desirable WITCHES).” – my side project would also respect this as I think it is a super neat part of the Crypto Coven project

“IPFS (a distributed, peer-to-peer file storage) works by using content-addressed storage—in other words, all files that live on IPFS are hashed, producing a unique identifier based on the specific content of that file, and that determines its “address” on IPFS.” – oh fuck, how will I host side project files? Probably need to discuss with Michael

“we had to be able to update the base URI rather than have it hardcoded into the contract.” — this is the crux of the issue, the contract has a pointer to the URI rather than the data (which also respects the size limitations)

TIL “gwei” : a denomination of the cryptocurrency ether (ETH), the digital coin used on the Ethereum network.

“Underwhelmingly, sequentially minting with a for loop turned out to be the most gas-efficient option.” – we love when other scientists do the boring trials and the rest of us get to use their data; thank you again to the community for this knowledge

“We needed to be able to easily write tests for the contract to ensure that we didn’t break anything as we made changes.” – the quality assurance nerds have logged on, which is great for us, because they are always correct

“once all the WITCHES were revealed, we wanted to add a verification hash for all the images (which are currently hosted on S3) so that anyone could confirm in the future that they hadn’t been modified.” – I have no idea what this means and I’m leaving that rabbit hole for another day

“there were a few bugs in the minting UI (notably, that the addresses for the community sale were case-sensitive)” — fuck are computers bad

“It was our first post-deployment panic over a bug in immutable code; it wouldn’t be the last.” the idea of ‘immutable code’ makes me shudder BUT it’s not like physical objects aren’t more or less immutable sans what can easily be edited; idk maybe making software more like hardware will eventually make it suck less?? random thoughts here

“As I read, the situation became clearer, but only to our detriment.” — oh man we’ve all been there

“There was one crucial error in this code and then one design choice that made it irreparable.” – ahh the snowball of “one bad decision begets another” and the realization of tech debt you yourself created, we hate to see it!!!

“First, we included a check for the per-wallet limit in a for loop and relied on the iterator to assign IDs—which meant that IDs could be skipped, not a desirable behavior under any circumstance.” – this to me feels like a not-good sign and is a great warning for an issue to be aware of in any other projects. also if it’s purposeful architecture it could also be a great way to do malfeasance and say “it wasn’t us!! it was the COMPUTER!!” — I do NOT think Crypto Coven did that but something I wonder if I could spot in the many scam projects currently out there ?

“Second, we were using totalSupply() to assign token IDs because we had assumed that the total supply would always be equal to the last token ID we had minted.” oh man this logic error, again computers are so bad and case sensitive and just the fussiest of amalgamations of metals. i would have totally made this assumption myself also, it feels so ~right~

“It was an infuriatingly simple bug, one that could have been easily fixed if we had thought to test that edge case.” – the one perspective about software bugs is at least no one blew up on a space shuttle because someone didn’t do QA

“the contract was trapped in this state, unable to ever mint again” – again, at least the worst case in a software failure isn’t USUALLY death. but I feel so bad for the folks who worked so hard on this. I bet this was a verrrryyyyy shit day

“Could we burn all the tokens after the first gap in IDs to reset it to a pre-broken state? Could we deploy a new contract but have it delegate back to the v1 contract for tokens that had already been minted? Redeploying the contract and re-minting all the tokens that had already been minted felt prohibitively expensive—it could exhaust all the funds we had earned from the mint thus far.” — ahh, technology, you cruel mistress

“one Discord user named mersenne inquired about the nature of the bug. They had noticed another potential issue in the contract upon reading it on Etherscan: namely, that the community sale could be drained if a malicious user who had added their address to our community list minted three WITCHES, transferred them to another wallet, and then repeated the process.

In a frankly implausible stroke of luck, this random person who had only just wandered into the Discord an hour earlier turned out to be Matthew Di Ferrante, an experienced Solidity auditor and developer who had been contributing to the Ethereum ecosystem for years.” – I have been the “oh, shit, I need [specific help]” person and I have been the “oh, shit, I know how to do [specific help]” person and it never gets less magical. The internet baby!! The world of information and ideas that connects us all!! We honestly love to see it.

“Oizys and I turned our attention to the new contract. We now had an opportunity to improve it, not just push out the fixes for the two issues we had discovered.” — classic technology ‘knowing what I know now, this is gonna suck less! that’s improvement, baby!!’

“So we had our order of business: patch the bugs, roll over the mints from the v1 contract, do a proper audit, make any additional improvements we wanted, and then redeploy.” – love a game plan

“we chose to remove the per-wallet check—it didn’t make sense to us that we would no longer be able to gift a WITCH to someone if they had already minted three on their own.” totally makes sense and also makes that code way more readable, deleting code is a truly great technology high

“the higher-level problem was how we were assigning token IDs—using totalSupply() made it unnecessarily fragile. Beyond that, Daniel McCartney (a skilled arcanist and friend upon whom we had called to review the code) observed that we were calling _safeMint() in five different places, calculating the correct token ID in each place. He suggested extracting the logic into a nextTokenId() method we could call instead.” – _safeMint seems like too powerful to be used to name something, as you want to separate out the logic for MINTING and NUMBERING. Abstracting away the numbering into different logic totally makes sense.

“OpenZeppelin’s Counters library” – in this house we love open source libraries

“the potential community sale exploit [tweak was simple]; instead of just requiring that msg.sender had fewer than three WITCHES in their wallet at the time, I added a mapping that tracked community sale mints by address and checked against that count.” – this is not trivial logic or code, I’m in a little over my head here and very impressed!

rolling over the void witches seems super easy, that’s cool that’s a well supported use case

“the v2 contract included five key improvements over v1” – cannot wait to be in over my head again; hold please

“clear mental model of what kinds of computations cost more or less gas, …. we decided to cut ERC721Enumerable in favor of off-chain implementations”

ok I understand this section about gas in a theoretical way but don’t get the details. Using ERC721Enumerable was standard in many contracts but did Expensive Math. That’s my summary. Need to do more research but that’s a C-tier rabbit hole for now.

“we considered reentrancy as an attack vector […] it was possible for contracts to call back into ours, sidestepping the checks we had put in place.” – man fuck me, I’m gonna have to learn about smart contract attack vectors. why do I do this to myself? because I love computer and I also love to suffer

_safeMint() allowed reentrant calls back to the function” – I’m going to need to read the _safeMint() function documents because that seems to be the meat of many contracts and it also apparently quite complicated. gonna need a red bull for that one

“Updating the state before performing actions like minting handled the issue.” – handling state is one of my least favorite parts of writing or thinking about code, not going to lie that the idea of this is Not Exciting To Me

“use OpenZeppelin’s ReentrancyGuard module, which offers a nonReentrant modifier that prevents reentrant calls to functions. We took care to add guards even to onlyOwner functions that only we could potentially exploit, as a measure to increase trust.” – neat!! and another link bookmarked

“Function modifiers are a declarative way to “modify” functions, with code that runs before or after a function call. They’re typically used to wrap checks, both for readability and reusability.” – search for this inside the Solidity docs and read the source material and see examples to understand. I get all these words in this order, but I get to the end of the sentence and my brain is twisted up

“With modifiers, the content of the mint() function became trivial—three lines of code, with an easy-to-understand list of modifiers that applied to it.” — ohhhhhhhhhhhh nested functions are nested.

the entire section about Withdrawals doesn’t yet make sense to me, I think that I need to read some contracts. but “Without this function, we wouldn’t have been able to withdraw these royalties; they would be trapped in the contract forever.” – seems important!

“the OpenSea proxy registry approval we had enabled for gasless listings could be a vulnerability for the contract, in the event that OpenSea were ever compromised. If we thought there was a chance that Crypto Coven could become a truly long-term project, it would be wise to add a toggle that allowed us to disable access.” — threat modeling in web3 is blowing my mind

“in a world of code as long-lived (and an environment as adversarial) as Ethereum, it can be important to take the long view. Companies come and go; the blockchain is forever.” — so true, bestie!!

“I deployed the v2 contract, ran the script to generate the most up-to-date list of current owners of tokens from the v1 contract, and called the rollover function. Just like that, minting could resume. The next day, we updated the base URI for the original contract, replacing the WITCHES with the soul vessels. The transition was complete.” the massage you need after doing this is I assume a full eight hours

ooooh a video to watch, bookmarked! i love tech talks because as mentioned above i love to suffer

“no smart contract is perfect. The same is true for ours. The Crypto Coven contract that now lives on mainnet contains two known bugs,” – all code contains bugs or flaws in logic and the blockchain is an unforgiving medium to code on. just two is like, super duper impressive IMHO

“there are further refinements I’d make—for better on-chain composability, for even lower gas usage, for less fragile batch reveals, and so on. This domain is still just emerging; day by day, week by week, the collective wisdom evolves in novel and intriguing directions.” – maybe one day I will make a mistake that teaches other people how to do things better!! that’s tech work!!

“it is good to face shipping Solidity with apprehension. That’s how it should be. It’s not a responsibility to take lightly. Doing high-stakes work has high-stakes consequences, and once the die is cast, it cannot be undone. The choices you make, knowingly or unknowingly, have gravity.” – I bitch to Michael about this all the time. Maybe if regular ass software devs knew their shitty code has real consequences, they would test it literally at all. Prob not, but maybe!!!

“as arcanists, the most we can endeavor to do is our finest work—and no less.” — as an alchemist, it is my goal to keep getting lead closer and closer to gold. so excited to keep learning about this project ❤

book reviews

Book Review: The Orchid Thief

Last year I read a book called “The Revolutionary Genius of Plants” by Stefano Mancuso and enjoyed it tremendously. Human life IS dependent entirely on plants!! Neat. From the suggested reading material in the back, I cribbed a few titles that looked interesting, and “The Orchid Thief” was among them.

This book is very clearly a few investigative journalistic long form pieces extended into a book. So, it centers around a titular thief, involved in a poaching incident inside a Florida state park undertaken with Seminole tribe members. While the evolution of the case provides the impetus for writing the pieces, truly I found the “main character” quite uninteresting. Men with an inflated sense of their personal memorability are boring; as the kids say “do not @ me.” Oh, you’re a thief who is convinced his motives are far beyond the peer of mere mortals? What are you, a lazy JKR character? Yawn.

Other than disliking the parts of the novel that were centered on the thief himself and the author’s continued preoccupation with his supposed individuality and uniqueness, I liked this book. I didn’t realize how fucking cool orchids are as a life form, their evolutionary and biological complexity, and how they are one of the most populous in number of unique plants and biomass among the category of flowering plants.

I also thought the focus of the author’s investigation, namely the mechanism and an attempt to dissect the nature of passion and community, was more revealing of white American culture than she had perhaps intended. I think this point is best illustrated by the following quotes:

“I wanted to go to the community dinner, but it was Indians-only, and no one I appealed to for permission would budge. Vinson explained that it would bother the older people to have a white person at the dinner – that no matter how many years they’d been mixing in the non-Indian world, they still felt separate and suspicious. “White people, it’s your job to make money,” he said to me. “Indians, we have our own job. Our job is to take care of the earth. We are different from you and we always will be.”

“This has always been a puzzlement to me, how to have a community but remain individual – how you could manage to be separate but joined, and somehow, amazingly, not lose sight of either your separateness or your togetherness. The two conditions go up and down like a teeter-totter, first one and the other tipping the balance back. If you set out alone and sovereign, unconnected to a family, a religion, a nationality, a tradition, a class, then pretty soon you are too lonely, too self-invented and unique, and too much aware that there is no one else like you in the world. If you submerge yourself completely in something – your town or your profession or your hobby – then pretty soon you have to struggle up to the surface because you need to be sure that even though you are part of something big, some community, you still exist as a single unit with a single mind.”

These quotes appear in separate chapters, and I think wrestle with the true conflict of the novel, which is the author reacting to her realization that the stories that pique her curiosity are about thriving, active communities. As a journalist by trade she dives deep into niches but never becomes part of them (e.g. “I’ve never considered myself a Florida person” appears in the first chapter).

I was disappointed by the lack of analysis of Orlean’s desire to attend this dinner that is expressly off limits to her. But WHY did you want to go so badly, Susan? Why did you want to force your participation in a community that is not yours and thus does not welcome you? [Is this is what they teach you in J school?] It would make more sense to become a “Florida person” than to shoehorn your way into spaces that are closed to you.

The author’s bewilderment around community directly translates into what she finds worth including in the book. She is fascinated by the easy-come, easy-go nature of the titular thief, who moves from infatuation to infatuation abruptly and resolutely. She is entranced by those who dedicate themselves entirely to one obsession, albeit with less narrative focus on them (my theory here is people who don’t change are harder to write about compellingly).

The quote above that pits togetherness and separateness as two ends of a spectrum is an inherently white world view, which I don’t think the author ever unpacks meaningfully, despite being given an incredible jumping off point from Vinson, a Seminole man and also another one of the orchid thieves, who concisely sums up what he sees as the difference between white and Indian cultures. In many cultures, you are always individual and of always part of a collective, but in my experience, white culture demands polarity as a means to impose a rigorous, if false, order on the world. The white world sees individual identity and connectedness as a binary that cannot be resolved, merely opposites to teeter in between. We have a capacity for both individuality and community that is not zero sum, which is what I wish had been explored more deeply in this book.


April Tech Goals

So my March goals were:

two blog posts – got one done

sort photos in one location- I did manage to delete a lot of old work photos from my phone, this was about 50% success rate I’d say

finish typing up hand written notes from old professional development – actually got this done!

read one smart contract – still in progress

set up this domain’s email – this got done before I wrote the goal list

So, overall the success rate was more than 50% but less than 80% done. We’ll take it!

April tech goals include: writing three blog posts (this one + 2 others), reading that smart contract, getting my mom set up with a password manager, still sorting through my cloud-storage photos, finally replacing my watch battery, and finally MAYBE organizing my bookmarks (this is a truly Herculean task, worse than those fucking stables, I have so many and there are like three different systems lol). Let’s get into it, nerds!

book reviews

Book Review: “The Yellow House” by Sarah M. Broom

“I had no home. Mine had fallen all the way down. I understood, then, that the place I never wanted to claim had, in fact, been containing me. We own what belongs to us whether we claim it or not. When the house fell down, it can be said, something in me opened up. Cracks help a house resolve internally its pressures and stresses, my engineer friend had said. Houses provide a frame that bears us up. Without that physical structure, we are the house that bears itself up. I was now the house.”

I very much enjoyed this book as a standout in the genre of ‘one family’s story tells society’s story.’ I have never been to New Orleans, and I’m glad to have read this book ahead of time to increase my understanding of its literal geography and history. I did not know that the main draw for the French Quarter was that, until very recently, Black folks were welcome only as “supporting players, the labor, the oil that fired the furnace, the engine that made the wheel turn, the key that opened the door.” It’s an interesting American slight of hand to forget (deny, obscure) that what is touted as an area’s charm and allure comes at the literal exclusion of others.

Any American story must grapple with racism and disinvestment, and the history of New Orleans East is a case study. I enjoyed very much the author’s continued questioning of what it means to be from somewhere, especially when that somewhere seems to not care for you, your house, or your people.

“I always huffed at the insinuation that I was from somewhere else. It is the return not the going away that matters, I always wanted to say. That painful snapping back into place.”

Snapping back into place is heavy in the author’s life. She moves – to Texas, to New York City, to Burundi – and travels – to Turkey, to Berlin, to Cairo – but in the end this book admits that “this is the place to which I belong.” But belonging doesn’t mean lying, mythologizing, or hiding from the truth. Sarah goes on to explain “much of what is great and praised about the city comes at the expense of its native black people, who are, more often than not, underemployed, underpaid, sometimes suffocated by the mythology that hides the city’s dysfunction and hopelessness.”

I found this story powerful, especially as we see an increase in climate-driven devastating catastrophes. Who has the right to return? Whose snapping back into place is easy, and whose is painful?


March 2022 Goals

Sometimes you have to write shit down to hold yourself accountable. This is my attempt to do so.

My goals for March 2022 technology things are:

two blog posts (after this one)

sort photos in one location (either drive or my external)

finish typing up hand written notes from old professional development

read one smart contract

set up this domain’s email (DONE BABY)

I am a firm believer in “write a to do list you can actually do”, so I’ll stop there. What are your goals for spring, either for technology in general?